#0 Money is Never About Money 🌏 CAN we co-create a New Earth?

Things are not the way they are.
— from the book Money is Never About Money
What deep-rooted beliefs about scarcity and competition are holding us back?
What if we dared to question those beliefs—and turn them around?
This first in the Basecamp Video Updates series introduces new ways of living, relating, working, and giving—ways that nourish life instead of take from it. It's less a basecamp update (hence #0 🎉) and more a poetic introduction to the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of Miracle Project.
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- Camera: Jelle Wierda - JelleWierda.com
- Illustrations & animations: Raymundo Resink - Miracle Project
- Music: Chris Zabriskie - ChrisZabriskie.com
I believe we all feel it somewhere, and that no matter how hard we try not to feel it, deep down, we know it's not true.
And that was my struggle. Learning for a degree, to study for a job, to work, to pay bills, to continue doing things that feel lifeless, all the while thinking, 'There must be something wrong with me, that I can't follow that road and feel good about it. That I feel at home almost nowhere in this world, and that I'm just not finding a clean and clear relationship with money.'
And this idea of wrongness continued well into adulthood, until I became curious.
'What is it with money, and what does money mean to me, really?'
In 2016, I started an experiment that was to last for ten months: living, traveling, and working without money.
Not because I thought we ought to live without money or to prove that it's possible, but because I wanted to find out, ‘What's going to happen to me and the people I'm going to meet, when for a while, I don't touch this thing that so seems to control our lives?'
It's a video, Mum, so you can actually talk.
— Oh, it's a video? Oh, right, sorry, I didn't realise. Oh, dear. No, no, no.
Morning, sunshine.
Ah, film me on the sly, would you?
I just don't know what to say.
—Ah, that's okay. Shall I give you a hand?
This idea that we have to compete to get ahead, that your gain is my loss, directly stems from the belief that there's not enough in the world for everyone, and that more for you automatically means less for me.
The idea that the economy has to keep growing can easily be traced to the belief that we always have to do more, because no matter what we do, we're never enough.
All our problems, ecological, economic, social—in our heads, stem from deep negative belief systems that are simply not true.
If we start looking more honestly at money, we automatically start looking more honestly at ourselves. And when we start looking more honestly at ourselves, we naturally become a building block for the world we deep down so wish to live in.
That was the main outcome of my explorations and experiments, but I also realised that none of us can rewrite the history of humanity on our own.
It's a helping hand I missed. Someone who would have come up to me to say, 'Hey, I don't have all the answers for you, but I have discovered and experienced things that have immensely helped me to become a freer human, and that I would really like to give you.
The project is not only a source of inspiration, it's also a training ground and an ever-evolving model for a healthy, connected and powerful way of living, with ourselves, with each other and with the planet.
It's about transcending scarcity and becoming the change we wish to see.
It's about reinventing how we organise ourselves around the ideas, dreams and visions that live inside us.
And it's about braiding together ecosystem regeneration with people regeneration, so that healing the planet and our inner worlds become one spiraling-up process.
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